Category Archives: Snack

Snacking Carefully…

So I’ve been on TPN over a week now, seems to be helping with energy, but not so much with weight yet. And I tried eating here and there, and then days of not eating, and my stomach feels the same regardless. It get’s burbly and distended and a bit painful even if I don’t put anything in it… So why should I go hungry entirely. And just sips of water… I ended up eating most of a salt packet yesterday, cos I was desperate for some flavour. (Not all at once ofc)

salt packet

Managed to find a pic of the actual salt packets they have at this hospital. How sad am I?


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On the Fourteenth Day… GIVE ME SAVOURY SNACKU’S!!!


Past 3 days I’ve been craving these. Now I’m not sure my mouth knows what it truly wants… it wants savoury that’s for sure…

So the Fresubin didn’t sit well either. Made me feel sick, gloopy, painful. I seem to have had no luck with the EN feed things. Even though before I was drinking Fresubin exclusively for almost 2 weeks, at great gloopyness and pain mind you… didn’t seem to help at all really.
NG tubes apparently don’t work for me either…

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My Super Food – Nian Gao – 年糕 – Rice cakes – Teokk – 떡

niangao 2 kinds
Seriously. Nian gao is amazing. Made from glutinous rice flour and formed into shapes which you can boil, fry, flavour with pretty much anything. I LOVE them. Chewy and sticky and lovely with so many possible flavours.

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Crumpet Cravings, Garlic Pizza Muffins + more

Too underdone for my liking, but it’s all personal taste.

Earlier on today I had a huuuge craving for crumpets, alas because of whatever happened yesterday, liquids only, and tomorrow… effin Fresubin…

Crumpets don’t seem to bother me at least. Just toasted with a bit of butter on, not too much mind you, too much fat=bad thing. Usually with crumpets I’d slightly over toast them, since undertoasted is no good. So they might be a little crispier on the outside than some would like :3 Like this.


(Though I’d make sure all the butter was spread into the crumpet, I don’t like getting a mouthful of butter on stuff like toast. My dad prefers that though o_o;)

Drowning a crumpet in melted butter so that when you squish it down it leaks butter is just brilliant, but can’t right now XD. Muffins are also tempting as hell right now…

This was the closest thing to what I made I could find, since most results came up as actual muffins, not English muffins lol. Only difference is the sauce base and kind of meat, though it looks like ham anyway, pepperoni would have been my topping of choice too. Ham and pepperoni. Even better. I did add more cheese than that though… maybe a little too much in retrospect…

English muffins seem to be too stodgy for me at the moment, they fill me up more, I suppose they don’t have all the holes that crumpets do after all. But an English muffin, with some butter and/or whatever toppings you like, quick snack. Works nicely. I made mini garlic pizza muffins(like the ones you might have made in Food Tech class in early high school lol) under the grill a few weeks ago in fact, since tomato isn’t always a good thing, though tomato sauce from a squeezy bottle seems fine. Even puree I think. (Guidelines for making Garlic Pizza Muffin’s below the cut :3)

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